

Could you introduce yourself? 

My name is Yann Leroux, and I’m the Managing Director of SEGUCE RDC. We are based in the DRC, and more specifically in Kinshasa where our head office is located. SEGUCE DRC is a public-private partnership with the Congolese government to set up a platform, a one-stop shop for foreign trade. Integral, because we support the entire import-export process.

We have created and we manage an IT platform that is accessible via the Internet, which is therefore electronic, and this platform will enable anyone who wants to import or export from the DRC to manage all foreign trade operations via this Internet platform.

So no more travel, no more meetings with the various players in foreign trade. Everything can be done over the internet, which has a lot of advantages and offers a modern solution in a country like the DRC, making the country more competitive.

What are your expectations for the 19th edition of DRC Mining Week? 

We’re taking part in DRC Mining Week because, firstly, we’re present throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo and, secondly, because we’re currently launching what we call the overland export module of the one-stop shop.

This overland export module is particularly suited to miners, and we know that there are a lot of miners in Haut-Katanga, so this overland export module will enable miners to use the one-stop shop to export their production.

So by using this one-stop shop, they’ll save time, they’ll save deadlines, and they’ll find that it’s very easy to use. They’ll gain in transparency because everything is tracked and transparent in the one-stop shop.

And last but not least, it’s a paperless solution that’s modern for the 21st century and helps bring the DRC into the 21st century too.

My final word is simply to invite you all to use the SEGUCE DRC single window for foreign trade.

We are present in Haut-Katanga, not only in Lubumbashi, where we have our provincial branch, but also at all the border posts in Haut-Katanga. I’m thinking of Kasumbalesa, Sakania and others.

Thank you very much, sir, and we hope to see you again at the 2025 edition, the 20th edition. 

It will be a great pleasure, thank you very much.


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