

It’s essential to strengthen our links with local communities and players.

Could you introduce yourself and your company?

My name is Nicolas TREAND, I am the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ERG AFRICA and I joined the company three months ago as the new CEO. ERG Africa mainly owns several copper and cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We have a good number of mining licences in the region that we are developing or exploring. In Lualaba we have METALKOL on the Kolwezi side, COMIDE in Kisanfu and Boss Mining between the two provinces of Lualaba and Haut-Katanga, and a little further afield in Haut-Katanga we have FRONTIER on the Sakania side. So much for ERG Africa in the DRC.

After that, we have several other projects in Africa too, in South Africa and Mozambique. But most of our activities are in the DRC. So the new roadmap is to consolidate our assets to determine which are the most important and promising, which need to be developed, and which cannot be developed in the short term.

We are looking to optimise our activities within our two main assets, METALKOL and FRONTIER. We are reviewing our future investments to ensure the long-term sustainability of our assets and to maximise their exploitation.

At community and political level, it is essential to strengthen our links with local communities and stakeholders. We recognise the importance of open and transparent communication, and are committed to improving our efforts in this area to foster harmonious and sustainable collaboration.

We operate in communities where it is essential to contribute positively to the well-being of all. On the political front, we now have a new government with whom we want to establish constructive relations quickly. It is particularly important to meet the Minister of Mines, the Minister of Industry, the Minister of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity, and other key officials so that together we can develop a roadmap that is beneficial to all stakeholders.

What are your impressions of DRC Mining Week?

I was very impressed by the high turnout this year. From what I’ve heard, there are a lot more people than last year. The purpose of our presence here is to meet our current partners and to establish relations with potential new partners. Yesterday, we had constructive discussions with the four or five main mining players in the Congo, addressing together the challenges facing the Congolese mining industry. This collaboration and these discussions are essential if we are to overcome the obstacles and promote sustainable development.



Louis Watum, « accepte d’être à la manœuvre » dans le gouvernement Suminwa