
Economy: import and marketing ban on eight brands of aflatoxin-contaminated Zambian flour

On Sunday 25 August, the Minister for Foreign Trade, Julien Paluku, announced a ban on the import and sale of eight brands of tainted maize flour in the DRC.

The measure was taken following the discovery that the flour had been contaminated with aflatoxin, a toxic substance dangerous to human and animal health.

Africa Milling, Roller Meal and Breakfast, Farm Feed Super Dog Meal, Continental Milling, Shabco Milling, Girad Milling, Busu Milling and Star Milling are the brands concerned. All come from Zambia.

Mr Julien Paluku stressed that preventive measures were already in place to protect the population, and promised exemplary penalties for any fraudulent imports. ‘Offenders will have their products seized and destroyed at their own expense. He also called for compliance with regulations on the movement of goods in order to save lives’, points out Radio Okapi.

Investigations are under way to ensure the traceability of these toxic products and their withdrawal from the national market. The Customs Service, the Office Congolais de Contrôle, the Border Hygiene Service, the Congolese National Police and other services are responsible for implementing these measures.


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