
Teddy Lwamba, DRC Minister for Water Resources and Electricity

Professor Teddy Lwamba, the newly appointed Minister for Water Resources and Electricity in Judith Suminwa’s government team, is no stranger to the energy sector. 

A former graduate of the University of Lubumbashi (UNILU) and visiting professor at the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN), Teddy LWAMBA was previously Deputy Managing Director of the Société nationale d’électricité (SNEL). He trained as an electromechanical engineer, holds a PhD in electrical engineering and is the author of several scientific works. His appointment as CEO of SNEL in October 2022 is the result of a competition organised by COPIREP on the recommendation of the World Bank. 

In 2011, Teddy LWAMBA was head of the Electricity and Instrumentation departments at Société d’exploitation de Kipoi (SEK), before becoming project coordinator for the Luena thermal power station in 2013, as part of the Gécamines/CTL project. 

This member of the government is a young man at the service of his country. An electromechanical engineer by training and holder of a Master’s and Doctorate in Electrical Engineering, he is also a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Europe zone.

From April to June 2023, when he was acting head of SNEL, this technician proved his managerial ability by improving revenue by 40%, restoring the GZ14 in Zongo to service, solving the problem of transformer damage in Kinshasa and the provinces, and reducing blackouts in the electricity supply.

With 12 years’ experience in this sector, Teddy Lwamba is now responsible for the country’s general policy in this area. The population expects him to improve electricity supply and make the most of water resources.

The new Minister for Water Resources and Electricity is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 


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